Abolishing Duty-Free Sales

Sir, - Kevin Myers strongly supported the EU decision to abolish duty-free sales in 1999 (An Irishman's Diary, October 15th)

Sir, - Kevin Myers strongly supported the EU decision to abolish duty-free sales in 1999 (An Irishman's Diary, October 15th). One of his main arguments is that the retention of duty-free would be inconsistent with the implementation of the Single Market.

In response I would like to draw attention to where the greater inconsistency is to be found. The European Union will convene a major "Jobs Summit", in November in Luxembourg, designed to reduce unemployment. Yet its intention to abolish duty-free will result in 140,000 job losses throughout the EU.

The EU has been a strong supporter of regional development yet its current intentions regarding duty-free would seriously jeopardise the viability of regional airports.

The EU has taken a number of policy decisions to guarantee lower airfares for European travellers yet the maintenance of its current approach could result in airfares rising by as much as 20 per cent. All travellers on ferries would equally suffer fare increases.


I hope Kevin Myers will reflect on some of the above points on the next occasion he puts pen to paper on the issue of duty-free. - Yours, etc.,

From John Cushnahan Mep

Bedford Row, Limerick.