Abuse of Iraqi prisoners

Madam, - Ms Liz O'Donnell is to be commended on her speech condemning the abuse of Iraqi prisoners ( The Irish Times , May 21st…

Madam, - Ms Liz O'Donnell is to be commended on her speech condemning the abuse of Iraqi prisoners (The Irish Times, May 21st).

However, I cannot help feeling that her words would carry more weight if they were to be accompanied by a dramatic action such as her resignation from the Progressive Democrats. This party is in Government with Fianna Fáil and obviously approves of the fact that Shannon airport is being made available to ferry US troops to and from Iraq.

Not only that, but this Government is also preparing to welcome George Bush at a cost of millions to the taxpayer, in order to enhance Mr Bush's election prospects and thus visit another four years of terror and destruction of the world.

The money being spent on this farce could be put to better use in cash-starved hospitals throughout the country where seriously ill patients can languish for days before they can even get a bed.


The cancellation of the visit is, however, unlikely since such a course of action would deny politicians the opportunity to have their photographs taken as they grovel before the most powerful and the most dangerous man on earth today. - Yours, etc.,

CARMEL COURTNEY, Sandyford Road,  Dundrum, Dublin 16.

Madam, - So Abu Gharib prison, this symbol of Sadam's brutality and America's shame, is to be demolished.

What chance of the demolition contract going to a US company? - Yours, etc.,

MARTIN BROWNE, Wilson Road, Mount Merrion, Co Dublin.