Sir, - When next in Rome, I wonder would Archbishop Connell put a word in the Pope's ear for me? What I need is a papal dispensation…

Sir, - When next in Rome, I wonder would Archbishop Connell put a word in the Pope's ear for me? What I need is a papal dispensation to fulfil my Sabbath obligation in Christ Church or St Patrick's Cathedrals - just a few times a year would do. My humble status as an administrator in the voluntary sector does not carry any presidential or trend-setting connotations, and I promise not to be photographed.

The reason for my request is that having recently joined that intrepid band of out-and-about wheelchair users, I find to my dismay that whereas the two cathedrals are wheelchair-accessible, the pro-cathedral is not. Last Sunday's rather undignified entrance and exit puts a major question mark on my long-established practice of venturing into Marlboro Street every now and again, to indulge my passion for the splendid organ and choral music at their 11 a.m. sung Mass. I feel sure Gerard Gillen, his organ scholars and the Palestrina choir wouldn't object to my temporary switch of allegiance to their opposite numbers down the road until a suitable ramp is installed. - Is mise, ╙rβn ╙ Muire

Leixlip, Co Kildare.