Adelaide nursing anniversary

Madam, - In 2009 the Adelaide Hospital School of Nursing will celebrate its 150th anniversary

Madam, - In 2009 the Adelaide Hospital School of Nursing will celebrate its 150th anniversary. Founded as a nurse-training school for young Protestant women, it is reputed to be the first nurse-training school for lay women in Ireland, and it quickly established a reputation for excellence. Today, under the auspices of the Adelaide Hospital Society, the school admits 25 undergraduates each year to the nursing degree programme at Trinity College Dublin.

To commemorate the anniversary, the society will publish a history of the school to record its legacy of education and its contribution to Irish nursing and healthcare. As the historian commissioned to write it, may I, through the courtesy of your columns, call on Adelaide alumni, particularly former students of the Adelaide School, to submit any relevant documents, photographs, etc?

For further details on how to contribute, please contact Ms Shirley Ingram, Adelaide Meath Hospital, Tallaght, Dublin 24 (tel: 01-4142071/2; fax: 01-4142070; email: - Yours, etc,

Dr GERARD FEALY, Associate Professor, UCD School of Nursing, Midwifery Health Systems, Belfield, Dublin 4.