Sir, - Your editorial of June 3rd gives an incomplete and inaccurate picture of the sensitive and complex issues that arise in…

Sir, - Your editorial of June 3rd gives an incomplete and inaccurate picture of the sensitive and complex issues that arise in relation to access to adoption records.

The Department of Foreign Affairs has carried out a comprehensive examination of the files on the processing of applications for passports for children who went abroad for adoption. We have established a database of the information in those files. This information is available to the Department of Health in connection with the ongoing work on the establishment of an adoption contact register. In this context, I am in favour of the establishment of a voluntary contact register and am discussing this with the Minister of State at the Department of Health.

In responding to inquiries from about 90 individual adoptees in the US and from a small number of birth mothers, I have made every effort to be as helpful as possible. However, our legal advice is that the unilateral disclosure of information could give rise to court action for breach of confidence or a constitutional action for infringement of the right of privacy.

The establishment of a comprehensive legal framework for access to birth records is a priority for the Government and it is intended that the necessary enabling legislation will be brought forward as quickly as possible. It is hoped that a case due before the Supreme Court next month will clarify the legal and constitutional issues connected with the right of access to records and clear the way for legislation. - Yours etc.,


Tanaiste and Minister for

Foreign Affairs

Dublin 2.