Aftermath Of Omagh Bombing

Sir, - Kevin Myers is right: "we should be ill with shame" (An Irishman's Diary, August 22nd)

Sir, - Kevin Myers is right: "we should be ill with shame" (An Irishman's Diary, August 22nd). This State has not fought terrorism seriously because it lacked the political will. Current policy has concentrated on trusting terrorists in order to end terrorism! This bunkum has led to the imminent release of droves of Provos so they can regroup and start dipping into the mountain of undecommissioned arms. However, I believe that terrorists will not be stopped by the reintroduction of the internment Mr Myers advocates, nor by the new proposed legislation. Kevin Myers mentions de Valera. It is true that Dev hanged scores of republicans who were involved in bombing Britain during the second World War. Yet within 10 years the IRA were back at it again.

Jim Cusack and Mark Brennock report that Garda sources are sceptical about a "Real IRA" ceasefire. Militant republicans believe that any compromise represents a sell-out of their central objective of a united Ireland and security sources say many intend to go on killing in the name of "the dead generations". There is a cancer in their souls.

If this Government is serious about ending support for a united Ireland, it should start by passing enacting legislation to change Articles 2 and 3 (still not done). And if we Irish are serious, as we now say we are, communities should follow Dundalk's example and mobilise so there are never "safe homes" for terrorists in this State. I am not holding my breath as there are still far too many indecent Irish nationalists who will continue to support violent republicans. Omagh will soon be forgotten, just as Enniskillen was, when the next atrocity occurs. - Yours, etc., Robert Barry,

Killiney, Co Dublin.