Age and the presidency

A chara, – Shane Lynn ("Rejection of presidential age referendum shows ageism at heart of Irish society", Opinion & Analysis, May 26th) says that the failure to lower the age for presidential candidates proves Ireland is ageist, calling it a contemptuous and sinister dismissal of young people and a gesture of intolerance. The facts suggest otherwise.

We were all told over and over again by our impeccably reliable media how young people registered in unprecedented numbers in advance of the referendum, turned out in droves to vote, and even flew home across vast distances just so they could put their mark on the ballot papers. They may have been motivated by the “other referendum” but they voted in this one also. So when it failed to pass it did so, at least in part, because large numbers of young people themselves were not convinced it was a good idea.

Mr Lynn is perfectly entitled not to be happy with the result. However, to suggest that it was due primarily to a desire of older people to oppress younger people is not only manifestly untrue, as it was clearly an issue young and old largely agreed upon, but seems very like the thing he is accusing others of, which is ageism. – Is mise,




Co Kilkenny.