Ahern at the Mahon tribunal

Madam, - As a result of Bertie Ahern's latest credibility-defying evidence at the Mahon tribunal, we at least now have a clearer…

Madam, - As a result of Bertie Ahern's latest credibility-defying evidence at the Mahon tribunal, we at least now have a clearer picture of what motivated Brian Cowen to disband the notorious FF tent at the Galway Races.

Without his apparent Midas-like lucky touch it would now be like staging Hamlet without the Prince.- Yours, etc,

DAVID MARLBOROUGH, Kenilworth Park, Dublin 6w.

Madam, - May I suggest that Des O'Neill SC adopt the wise approach of Sybil Fawlty and ask Bertie Ahern: What was the name of the horse? -Yours, etc,


GERARD REYNOLDS, Meadow Park, Dublin 14.