Alcohol and public health

Sir, – I refer to Una Mullally's article "Time for action on our booze epidemic" (Opinion & Analysis, June 30th).

While it is entirely reasonable to criticise the slow pace of change in this contentious area of public policy, it is quite wrong to say, in relation to the Government’s response, that “nothing happens”.

Last October I secured Government approval for a package of measures including provision for minimum pricing (to deal with alcohol that is cheap relative to its strength), restrictions on marketing and advertising, regulations on labelling and health warnings, and a host of other instruments which will be contained in the forthcoming Public Health (Alcohol) Bill.

This will be the first ever legislation in this country dealing with alcohol from a public health perspective. The heads of Bill are currently being finalised for Cabinet approval.


Far from inaction (or “guff”) this Government is delivering the kind of effective measures that will have a real impact on reducing our excessive consumption of alcohol.

Tackling our alcohol misuse requires more than a periodic outcry. It calls for the implementation of policy choices that some will find difficult, even objectionable, but which are essential if we are to have a real impact on the problem.

That is what we are determined to do. – Yours, etc,


Minister of State,

Department of Health,

Hawkins House, Dublin 2.

Sir, – Congratulations to Una Mullally on a meaningful, factual and honest article. Yes, a very good start would be to close the Dáil bar. Why it was ever put there in the first place amazes me. I feel sure the ladies and gentlemen of the Dáil can consume alcohol with their meals at the Dáil restaurant when needs arise. Having a bar to pop in and out of during their working day seems outrageous. – Yours, etc,



Donnybrook Castle,

Dublin 4.