Aleppo and a ‘monstrous atrocity’

Sir, – Your front-page headline "Ferocious Aleppo bombardment raises fear of 'monstrous atrocity'" and Taher Mohammed's photograph of a Syrian man holding the body of his nephew belie the assertion that our media outlets are only concerned with so-called mundane news (September 24th).

The indiscriminate airstrikes by Russian and Syrian bombers on the eastern districts of Aleppo, where over 250,000 civilians live, constitute a war crime, and in the name of humanity must be stopped.

The poignant comment of Mohammed Abu Rajab, a radiologist in the eastern area of Aleppo, as quoted in the article, sums up this continuing atrocity: “We will deal with thirst and hunger. But please, stop these bombs”. – Yours, etc,




Co Dublin.