All-Ireland Teams

Sir, - Now that the prospects of a permanent peace in Northern Ireland look more and more promising, there is one more step that…

Sir, - Now that the prospects of a permanent peace in Northern Ireland look more and more promising, there is one more step that should be pursued, not by the politicians but by sports lovers and ordinary citizens, North and South. I refer to the absurdity of the island of Ireland fielding two separate national teams for European and World Cup soccer competitions.

Both parts of the country have national teams that are going nowhere in international competitions. With limited selection pools and the high level of injuries in the modern game, it is becoming more and more difficult to field teams that are well balanced and without serious weak links. One good team representing and supported by all parts of Ireland has to be much better than two poor teams representing separate areas and, as has happened before, doing each other harm on the way.

Such a course of action requires the amalgamation of the FAI and IFA into one body. So what? It would also mean a premier league with teams from both North and South. Again so what? To have Irish football supporters, North and South, rooting for the same team, rooting for the green, can only be good for Irish football and for community relations. This has to be the way forward. - Yours, etc.,

Laurence Power, Temple Manor, Celbridge, Co Kildare.