Amateur choirs and restrictions

Sir, – I am totally sympathetic to the growing groundswell of anxiety in the arts and entertainment sector who, quite rightly, feel ignored by the Government, compared with the hospitality and sporting sectors. I would like to see an immediate easing of restrictions which would allow me to rehearse with my choir, while observing the necessary protocols.

For many hundreds of amateur choral singers, the opportunity to meet and sing together is a vital part of their social schedule. It is well known that choral singing is good for one’s mental health. We have been denied this opportunity for almost 18 months and have already missed three important planned concerts since March 2019.

Our objective is to prepare choral music for future performance. Before we can achieve that, we need to return to regular rehearsing. I appeal to the Government to allow this to happen right away. – Yours, etc,



Musical Director,

The Guinness Choir,

Dublin 8.