Amnesty and abortion

Sir, – I recently cancelled my membership of Amnesty International after being a member for more than 20 years.

The reason is because I’m pro life and I believe abortion is wrong.

Amnesty in its campaign against the death penalty make the argument that once a state introduces this penalty for a particular list of crimes, it then with time becomes easier for this state to add other crimes to the list.

I believe a very similar argument can be made in relation to abortion.


It’s very disappointing that Amnesty can’t or won’t see that there is a similar argument to be made.

Pro-life campaigners are correct in saying that once abortion is brought into Ireland in cases where the life of the mother or foetus is in danger it’s then only a matter of time before abortion is freely accessible to any woman at any time for any reason in Ireland. After all, isn’t this the situation in most other EU states? Why should it be different in Ireland?

– Yours, etc,



Co Galway.