Amnesty Campaign On Racism

Sir, - Richard Greene (May 28th) expresses surprise that the Irish Section of Amnesty International campaigns at home against…

Sir, - Richard Greene (May 28th) expresses surprise that the Irish Section of Amnesty International campaigns at home against racism and for ratification of the International Criminal Court. He also insinuates that Amnesty's grassroots members have been kept in the dark about developments in the organisation's policy on "own country" work.

I have been a member of Amnesty for the past 10 years and in that time I have seen a lot of changes, as the organisation adapts to a changing world. Any policy changes were debated at length and voted upon at annual general meetings by myself and every other member who was so inclined. Indeed, the debate on the "own country rule" has been a particularly lively one for the past few years.

Members who don't attend AGMs are kept informed through AI's regular newsletters and by local groups around the country. Every paid-up member of Amnesty of at least six months' standing is entitled and encouraged to vote on proposed amendments to our constitution. So the changes that have taken place in Amnesty policy and strategy have been mandated by a well-informed membership of Amnesty in Ireland. Mr Greene need have no fear for our interests.

Many, if not most, Amnesty members in Ireland would say it is about time we campaigned actively at home on human rights issues such as racism. The recent race riots in Oldham are a stark reminder of the reality and the dangers of racism. That, as if we needed reminding, is what Amnesty's current campaign is all about. - Yours, etc.,


Tom Molloy, Bernadette Place, Wexford.