An Ghaeilge in the media

A chara, - Like Greg Rosenstock (January 3rd), I too would like to commend your newspaper for printing articles in Irish

A chara, - Like Greg Rosenstock (January 3rd), I too would like to commend your newspaper for printing articles in Irish. No other major newspaper in Ireland does this.

The last census revealed that more than 40 per cent of people in Ireland speak and understand Irish to some degree, even though the percentage who actually use the language routinely is much smaller - presumably due to lack of opportunity and encouragement.

If all your country's mainstream media devoted 40 per cent of its printing space and broadcasting time to content in Irish, surely this silent but large group of "cainteoirí dúchais" would be encouraged to speak Irish more, and your national language would be well on its way to a complete revival. - Is mise,

MICHAL BOLESLAV MECHURA, Bolton Square Apartments, Sráid Doiminic, Baile Átha Cliath 1.