An interest in history

Madam, - Never underestimate the public

Madam, - Never underestimate the public. That would seem to be the lesson of Brian O'Connell's piece on the rude health of history publishing in Saturday's Weekend Review ("Turning the pages of history"). This has been borne out by my own experience as editor of History Ireland, the country's only history magazine. When the idea of a quarterly was first mooted by Hiram Morgan in 1992 sceptics said it wouldn't last beyond an issue or two. Yet here we are 16 years later with a readership of tens of thousands (and despite going bimonthly and adding extra pages we still don't have room for all our readers' letters!). Curious then that there was no mention of it in Brian's otherwise interesting article. - Yours, etc,



History Ireland,


Palmerston Place,

Dublin 7.