An Unhealthy State

Sir, - The series "An Unhealthy State" was a thought-provoking and positive contribution to debate on this important issue.

Sir, - The series "An Unhealthy State" was a thought-provoking and positive contribution to debate on this important issue.

I wish, however, to comment on one aspect. The assertion that "Dublin hospitals closed with virtually no protest" (October 3rd) is untrue and an unfair commentary on a great number of people who vigorously campaigned against the closure of all four hospitals mentioned.

I was chairperson of the Save Baggot Street Hospital Committee, which fought a protracted campaign to retain the hospital within the health services. Against the odds we successfully achieved our objective and with a more enlightened approach and more funding, services such as Accident and Emergency can now be restored if the political will is there. - Yours, etc.,

(Cllr) Dermot Lacey, Beech Hill Drive, Donnybrook, Dublin 4.