Animal vivisection at Trinity

Madam, - A little humility on the part of Prof Veronica Campbell (October 7th) would not go amiss

Madam, - A little humility on the part of Prof Veronica Campbell (October 7th) would not go amiss. She is, after all, a member of what is perhaps the most greedy, destructive and murderous species on the planet.

How dare she, then, presume to champion the infliction of captivity, suffering and premature death on members of other species for the (putative) benefit of members of her own?

It is a fine example of domination and exploitation of the powerless by the powerful, of the weak by the strong.

Animals cannot give their consent to being used in laboratories, and it is safe to assume that if they could, they wouldn't. To use them without this consent is just a contemptible abuse of power.


The only animal that can, with any moral justification, be used in laboratory experiments are humans of normal intelligence who have given their informed consent.

I suggest that Veronica Campbell get off her professorial chair and offer herself. - Yours, etc,

RUARC GAHAN, Knocknaboley, Hollywood, Co Wicklow.