Anniversary of UCD

Madam, - In commenting on our 150th anniversary in University College Dublin, your Editorial (Nov 3rd) suggests that while we…

Madam, - In commenting on our 150th anniversary in University College Dublin, your Editorial (Nov 3rd) suggests that while we excel in some areas, "In other areas it [ UCD] is stretched, with resources and personnel falling short of today's best standards". Stretched we may be in resources, but the staff of this university are by no means inferior to those elsewhere.

In the absence of any evidence to support your assertion, and there is no such evidence, it is no more than a gratuitous insult and falls short of the standards I used to expect from The Irish Times.

If your comment has any substance to it, perhaps you might let us know what areas you are talking about.

Alternatively, you might care to substitute analysis for "off the cuff" remarks in the future. - Yours, etc.,


JOSEPH BRADY, Vice-President, Irish Federation of University Teachers, UCD, Belfield, Dublin 4.