Another Life

Sir, - For over two decades, Michael Viney's perceptive and lyrical observations from "Another Life" have lifted the spirits - …

Sir, - For over two decades, Michael Viney's perceptive and lyrical observations from "Another Life" have lifted the spirits - and extended the knowledge - of your readers.

His writing and sketches are as relevant today as when he first set out to organically farm an acre in The Hollow, at Thallabawn. Proof of his enduring popularity is in the age-profile of the correspondents to his "Eye on Nature" supplementary column; it spans the decades from senior citizens to the teens and twenty-year-olds.

That wise and sensitive voice from the West is very highly valued by the increasing pool of suburban dwellers. It's a tonic that comes, fresh every Saturday, with "Weekend" - to be savoured at leisure.

Michael Viney is irreplaceable. We salute him! - Yours, etc., M. I. Heron,


Butterfield Crescent, Rathfarnham, Dublin 14.