Anti-Nuclear Group

A Chara, - Your correspondent Peter A

A Chara, - Your correspondent Peter A. Lynch (November 10th) felt bemused at the antics of the Co Louth anti-nuclear group and the Government "vying with each other to see who could better waste the taxpayers' money". The amount of money considered neccessary to fund action to stop developments at the Thorp reprocessing plant is minuscule in comparison with the incalcuable costs of an accident at the plant. There is widespread concern not only at cancer clusters here, but at increased levels of emissions into the Irish sea and air from Thorp. Furthermore, the threat of an accident at the plant or an accident during the transportation of waste along the Irish coast is a very real one. I, for one, shiver with every easterly wind that blows. - Is mise,

Rasan, Crois an Mhaoir, Co Lughaidh