Anyone For President?

Sir, - We should deem it a privilege that a person of John Hume's ability and integrity would appear to be in the process of …

Sir, - We should deem it a privilege that a person of John Hume's ability and integrity would appear to be in the process of putting forward his name for acceptance as our future President. It would indeed be an honour to have him succeed such an illustrious predecessor. I believe a substantial body of the electorate would be in favour of John Hume's unopposed candidacy for the Park so why have our Government and the opposition been so tardy in making any kind of joint response?

We are now witnessing an unseemly scramble of names being thrown into the arena and this behaviour is only demeaning of the office itself which should, at all time, be above party political squabbling and blatant opportunism. The Taoiseach, therefore, must act immediately before the whole situation descends into an embarrassing farce. - Yours, etc.,

Michael J. Cassidy,

Dundrum, Dublin 14.