Anyone for president?

Madam, - I wish to throw my hat into the ring for the forthcoming battle to secure a nomination to contest the next presidential…

Madam, - I wish to throw my hat into the ring for the forthcoming battle to secure a nomination to contest the next presidential election.

I have become aware that there are some people with illustrious political connections who have intimated through their PR spokespersons that they would not be averse to serving as president. I must declare that I am not now nor ever have been a member of a political party - which must give me a good start as a really independent candidate.

A brief biography: I am a Dubliner born and bred, a southsider living cheek by jowl with Dublin 4; but let me say I have travelled widely and am quite familiar with the northside and quite a lot of the country too.

I have been advised not to disclose too much of my platform at this early stage but I can safely say that I believe I am a well-rounded figure who is driven, focused and motivated enough to ensure that the Republic takes its proper place near the top among the nations of the world.


I have noticed that many people in conversation have expressed a desire to see Áras an Uachtaráin moved to a more suitable location on a better bus route. This question will be thoroughly explored and various sites examined.

Regarding the current economic climate we all know that running a campaign is, of course, a very costly business and I must advise intending supporters that the sum of €5,348 per donor is the highest annual donation permitted under the law. But doubtless if most substantial funds were gathered at dinners or other social events either here or abroad these would be treated as loans to be repaid subject to the terms and conditions with which we have recently become familiar.

I hope that by stating my interest at this stage I am not peaking too early, or losing the element of surprise. I must now await my name being put forward by one of the nominating bodies. - Yours, etc,

ARTHUR DUNNE, Blackrock, Co Dublin.