Anyone For President?

Sir, - Until now, the race for the Presidency has not been particularly edifying, but with the entry of Dana into the ring, it…

Sir, - Until now, the race for the Presidency has not been particularly edifying, but with the entry of Dana into the ring, it has descended into pure farce. I lay the blame for this, squarely at the door of the main political parties, who, with their usual cynicism, seem to use party considerations in relation to a subsequent by-election, as the only criteria in the selection of candidates.

The worst offender is Fianna Fail. The outstanding and obvious candidate available to them is David Andrews. A man of consistent integrity and a lawyer of high standing among his profession, he made a big impression nationally and internationally as Minister for Foreign Affairs. Yet he won't be promoted as a presidential candidate for fear of the loss of a by-election in Dun Laoghaire - where one might imagine that the FF/PD combination would be hard to beat.

I really don't care too much about the by-election, but I do care about having a President we can be proud of. Could Fianna Fail, for once, put country before party? - Yours, etc.,

Deirdre McMahon,


Sutton Grove, Dublin 13.