Articles 2 And 3

Sir, - While I support Mr Anthony Moriarty's views on Articles 2 and 3 of the Irish Constitution (December 16th) I cannot help…

Sir, - While I support Mr Anthony Moriarty's views on Articles 2 and 3 of the Irish Constitution (December 16th) I cannot help feeling that this matter has become a tired old dog.

The litany of objection from unionist quarters has only served to bolster the perception of unionism as the cantankerous old man of Northern Irish politics, and the refusal of the Irish Government to reconsider the inclusion of both articles in the Constitution underlines the Republic's deep-seated insecurities. The very nature of the current talks ensures that the removal of Articles 2 and 3 will come only when their actual objectives have been achieved.

If Articles 2 and 3 were dropped, would we miraculously become a post-republican country? Hardly. This subject is a false trail, leading unionists away from demanding real and tangible concessions from the Government. It is time for unionism to put this tired old dog to sleep. - Yours, etc.,

Killiney, Co Dublin.