Arts provision in schools

Madam, - Your editorial, "Arts Funding" (August 28th) focuses mainly on buildings, venues and centres

Madam, - Your editorial, "Arts Funding" (August 28th) focuses mainly on buildings, venues and centres. This is an important aspect of arts provision and I agree with you that the Minister is acquitting himself well in this regard.

Buildings for the arts is one thing but building audiences for the arts is quite another matter and, in this regard, the money seems to be in very short supply. Schools are a case in point, eg primary schools have an excellent arts curriculum - as a set of written documents - but the arts remain, I believe, largely untaught despite the best efforts of teachers and schools. This is the result of poor strategic planning and resourcing by Government.

Failure of proper provision for the arts in schools represents a huge loss in the lives of the young. These lost opportunities for creativity, excitement and personal enrichment are unlikely ever to recur. There is in fact a kind of double loss involved, as an impoverished introduction to the arts acts as a powerful barrier to access and participation in later life. Democratisation of access to, participation in, and enjoyment of, the arts is something the Minister should now turn his attention to. - Yours, etc,

Cllr MICHAEL CONAGHAN, Lally Road, Ballyfermot, Dublin 10.