Atheists and advocacy groups

Sir, – Dermot O'Connor (January 30th) is correct that the views of Atheist Ireland do not belong on the religious spectrum. But our views do belong on the wider spectrum of philosophical beliefs that are relevant to how we run our society.

The European Court of Human Rights has found that the right to freedom of religion or belief applies equally to people with atheistic convictions. We are covered by the “or belief” part of the phrase “freedom of religion or belief”.

For many atheists, our atheism goes beyond the standalone belief that there are no gods. It is a necessary part of this belief that we do not get our morality from gods. This is a significant world view in a society where most people believe the opposite.

That is why there are so many atheist advocacy groups around the world. Ideally, we should not be needed. In the real world, we are needed: to promote secularism in developed democracies, and to protect people in theocratic dictatorships.


No group represents all atheists, just as no group represents all Christians, all Muslims, all women, all LGBT people, all liberals, all socialists, or all workers. Most people understand that advocacy groups represent their members and supporters.

Atheist Ireland supports repeal of the Eighth Amendment, to enable pregnant women to make their own ethical decisions, based on their own conscience rather than religiously-inspired laws. We make no claim that all atheists share this view. – Yours, etc,



Atheist Ireland,


Dublin 9.