Madam, – John Power’s contention (May 19th) that prostitution is just another industry involving “willing and equal partners” does not stand up to any rational inspection of the reality.
Prostitutes are often young (sometimes underage), many are vulnerable people, many the victims of previous abuse. They will be prostitutes because they see no other option open to them due to their circumstances including poverty, drug misuse or because they have been coerced.
The idea that prostitution is like any other industry is risible given the degree of violence, drug- taking and risk of sexually transmitted disease associated with the lifestyle. Such a lack of basic health and safety protection that would not be tolerated in any other “business”.
Finally the attempt of the sex exploitation “industry” to rebrand itself as just another business falls when one takes account of the psychological damage suffered by women who participate regularly for money in a intimate sexual activity where any notion of a caring, tender and loving experience is unknown. – Yours, etc,