Bank holiday parking rules

Madam, - I refer to Brian Crowley's letter of April 19th about the clamping of his car on Good Friday in Fitzwilliam Square

Madam, - I refer to Brian Crowley's letter of April 19th about the clamping of his car on Good Friday in Fitzwilliam Square. Currently ticket dispensers are programmed not to accept money on Christmas Day, St Stephen's day and St Patrick's Day.

The purpose of disc parking is to deal with high demand and low supply. Generally public holidays are not busy times in the city and supply is likely to exceed demand in most areas. As a City Council our primary objective is to serve citizens in the best way possible that will allow them enjoy and participate in their city.

I will propose to the next meeting of Dublin City Council to close down machines on all bank and public holidays on a six month pilot basis. - Yours, etc.,



Grove Road,


Dublin 6.