Barring Orders

Sir, - The Bray Women's Refuge has been concerned for the safety of its clients whose barring/ safety orders have been brought…

Sir, - The Bray Women's Refuge has been concerned for the safety of its clients whose barring/ safety orders have been brought into question since the contentious issue of the appointment of court clerks arose.

Regardless of whether or not these orders are valid the confusion has brought additional stress and worry to women living in these situations. Mr Jim Higgins, Fine Gael spokesman on Justice, rightly brought to the attention of the Dail a case in which a woman had to seek refuge due to the husband taking advantage of the confusion.

The issue of the validity of court clerks appointments must be clarified as a matter of urgency before a woman is harmed. - Yours, etc.,

From Brenda Hannon


Director, Bray Women's Refuge, Bray, Co Wicklow.