"Begrudgery" From Rome

Sir, - I read in your edition of September 27th the account of the address given by Father Jim Stanley, President of the National…

Sir, - I read in your edition of September 27th the account of the address given by Father Jim Stanley, President of the National Conference of Priests of Ireland, which appeared under the heading, "Priest Scathing of Rome's Begrudgery".

I would like very much to know how many priests attended the conference in Dublin, and how many of them agreed with the remarks of Father Stanley condemnatory of those in authority in the Church to which he claims to belong.

How many of them subscribe to the views put forward by him that "couples in second unions should have their marriages validated and after due process be allowed to receive Holy Communion, and that a general absolution from all sins be offered to all people who desire it"?

And no, I do not want to join the new breakaway Church which Father Jim Stanley seems to want to establish. - Yours etc.,


Roderick J. O'Hanlon, Kilternan, Co Dublin.