Sir, - You published a map of South Belfast (June 23rd, page 6) which did not include a 380-year-old spelling mistake and should…

Sir, - You published a map of South Belfast (June 23rd, page 6) which did not include a 380-year-old spelling mistake and should have done! You showed Donegall Pass spelt with only one 'l' as in Co Donegal. Besides the Pass we have Donegall Road, Donegall Place, Donegall Street and so on, 17 streets altogether, all spell with two Ls.

I am told that the reason for this perverseness has its origin in the founder of Belfast, Arthur Chichester, who was granted a charter for the city in 1613. When he and his descendants were made Earls of Donegal for services rendered a clerical error led to them becoming Earls of Donegall. Later they became Marquises of Donegall and one such is still with us. As the main landowners, it is not surprising that their names remain to this day dotted about the city. - Yours, etc.,

South Belfast.