Bertie Bowl

Sir, - Please can you explain why Mr Paddy Teahon, chairman of Campus and Stadium Ireland Development Ltd

Sir, - Please can you explain why Mr Paddy Teahon, chairman of Campus and Stadium Ireland Development Ltd., was recently afforded half-a-page in your newspaper to put the case for what has been dubbed "Bertie Bowl". I am all the more bemused as a second half-page article on the same subject, again written by Mr Teahon, appeared on June 2nd. This article was written in response to recent Irish Times reporting and comments concerning the funding, building and controversy surrounding the Stadium Ireland project. I'm at a loss to explain why it was deemed inadequate to allow Mr Teahon the right of reply through the letters page. The second article has this statement at its centre "You can imagine our surprise when The Irish Times decided to ignore this news" (referring to the contract and tendering process). Surely this and a couple of short, well-written arguments in a letter would have sufficed as a reply. I dearly hope this letter doesn't precipitate Mr Teahon's third half-page appearance in your newspaper. To have given one half-page is generous, to give a second is indulgent, a third would be dubious. - Yours, etc.,

K. Brennan South Circular Road, Dublin 8.