Bethlehem University

Sir, - Bethlehem University was founded under conditions of Israeli occupation and continues to suffer in its daily operation…

Sir, - Bethlehem University was founded under conditions of Israeli occupation and continues to suffer in its daily operation from this occupation. The withdrawal of Israeli troops from the streets of Bethlehem itself in December 1995 has provided some relief in the daily lives of the people, but the overall situation is still one of occupation. Freedom to travel, the economy, unemployment, the ability of students to reach sites for practical training have all worsened in recent years. It is against this background that the academic programme must try to function.Hospitals in Jerusalem, even in so-called Arab East Jerusalem, are no longer available to our nursing or physiotherapy students for practical training. Faculty and students who live in Ramallah, north of Jerusalem, are forbidden to pass through the city to reach Bethlehem. They are forced to take a long, dangerous and expensive alternative route. Faculty members and students from Jerusalem are now sometimes refused entry into Bethlehem. This is a recent phenomenon designed to strangle the West Bank and separate Palestinians living in Jerusalem from those living on the West Bank.The very concrete effect of these matters during the current academic year has been the loss of three weeks of classes during the fall semester immediately after the trouble associated with the opening of the tunnel along the Temple Mount. For two weeks fewer than 30 per cent of the student body could reach the university and no classes were held. During the third week students from Jerusalem and some from Hebron could not enter Bethlehem. Classes were held, but were not counted as school days since some teachers could not reach the campus and many students were absent.The spring semester has seen the loss of six days due to the beginning of construction of a new Israeli settlement at Jabal Abu Ghneim, which is about two kilometres from the University campus. As a result the school year has been extended and a number of Saturdays have been assigned to make up lost time. - Yours, etc.,Desmond MacGreevy,Chairman,Council of the Friends ofBethlehem University in IrelandGrange,Cork.