Bigotry on wheels

Madam, - I am the wife of a Presbyterian minister in Dublin city centre

Madam, - I am the wife of a Presbyterian minister in Dublin city centre. Over the past couple of years we have welcomed people to our church from many parts of the world.

On Easter Sunday morning two African women hailed a taxi for church and on the journey the driver's aggressive attitude was expressed as follows. "Why do you want to be going to a f****** Presbyterian Church. Look at all the f****** Catholic churches we pass. If you want to go to a f****** Presbyterian Church, why don't you go up North?"

Herein lies an upsetting and unacceptable example of unprofessionalism, racism and bigotry. What a sad reflection on Ireland such remarks make, hurting Christians both Catholic and Protestant as we endeavour to greet all peoples on these shores. - Yours, etc.,

RUTH BOAL, Griffith Avenue, Glasnevin, Dublin 11.