A chara, - Fancy papers, glossy reports and fine speeches about culture are commonplace, but the state of the Irish language …

A chara, - Fancy papers, glossy reports and fine speeches about culture are commonplace, but the state of the Irish language is nothing for the Coalition Government to be proud of. The Government claims that Ireland is a bilingual state with a bilingual government.

It claims that any Irish speaker wishing to conduct his or her business in that language has both the right and choice to do so when dealing with government authorities. The right, perhaps, is there but the choice to speak Irish is undoubtedly an elusive ideal that the Government fails to deliver.

The Irish Government is not capable of providing a service near to the same standard as that provided in English. The majority of government departments are guilty of replying in English to Irish language correspondence and are incapable of providing an Irish language telephone service of a satisfactory standard, if at all.

Gaeilgeoiri are asked if they have to speak Irish, given inaccurate information when they eventually do, and are made, in general, to feel that they are a burden. Bilingualism is a myth fuelled by signposts and the occasional cupla focal. A Government departments, state and semi state bodies, despite a token effort, cannot competently deal with the public through the first language of the state. Is mise le meas.


Garran Ghleann Donn,

Teach Mealdg,

Baile Atha Cliath 6 thiar.