Bill Of Rights

Sir, - I have compiled my bill to the State for performing the following activities: washing and shaving; feeding and dressing…

Sir, - I have compiled my bill to the State for performing the following activities: washing and shaving; feeding and dressing myself; conversing with my wife and children (this will be charged as "consultancy" work ); driving myself to work (this will be charged at "chauffeur" rates ); reading the newspapers and watching the news (which will be charged at "researcher" rates). All told, my bill will come to about £800 per week.

Perhaps those who demand, as nothing less than a "civil right", payment for staying home to run their own homes can advise me on where to send my invoice? Or maybe those who demand that the State mind their children while they work would be able to direct me?

It's hard not to ridicule the ridiculous. Whatever happened to "ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country"? Have we lost all our self respect? - Is mise,

Conor Maguire, Wadelai, Dublin 11.