Bloody Sunday Inquiry

Sir, - Through your columns, may I personally thank the Taoiseach, Mr Ahern, the former Taoiseach, Mr Bruton, and all their colleagues…

Sir, - Through your columns, may I personally thank the Taoiseach, Mr Ahern, the former Taoiseach, Mr Bruton, and all their colleagues for their vigorous and now successful efforts to have the Bloody Sunday case reopened.

As an 18-year-old Derry schoolboy, I participated in the fateful march and down the intervening years I have carried a bag of resentment and anger and a jaundiced view of authority. Along with the double injustice of the Widgery Tribunal, that day undoubtedly poisoned many a young personality.

One hopes that the new Tribunal will at long last establish the full truth and allow us to draw a line under that day and leave it to history. Again, my particular thanks to all in the Republic, including The Irish Times, who refused to accept that what happens in Derry, or elsewhere in the North, is none of their concern. - Yours, etc.,

Nigel Cooke,


Wheatfields Court, Dublin 22.