Bond market gets the star treatment

Sir, – The widely reported tweet by investment fund supremo Bill Gross that the bond market "is a supernova that will explode one day" may have been dramatic, but it was incorrect ("Cantillon: just when will bond 'supernova' explode?", June 11th).

A supernova is not an object likely to explode at some future time: it is a star that is already in the process of exploding; the explosion is the supernova event.

What Mr Gross should have tweeted is that “the bond market is an accreting white dwarf star, approaching the point where a runaway carbon fusion reaction will be triggered”.

It is not as snappy, admittedly, but it does appropriately invoke the explosive consequences of a relentless flow of gas (or capital) into an unstable system. – Yours, etc,



Centre for Astronomy,

National University

of Ireland, Galway.