Book Pages

Sir, - I agree with Cliona Ni Riordain (November 29th) that the arrival of Saturday's Irish Times is one of the cultural highlights…

Sir, - I agree with Cliona Ni Riordain (November 29th) that the arrival of Saturday's Irish Times is one of the cultural highlights of the week. The paper is devoured from cover to cover with the same relish that one would reserve for the first pull of a pint of stout as purveyed by Martin B. Slattery's in Rathmines.

I also second her views on your literature critics: the exile's access to good literature in English is somewhat limited and the opinions of your staff are normally to be reckoned with.

But I feel obliged to add that I find John Boland's regular diatribes on the literary worth of Booker Prize winners to be the height of pomposity.

- Yours, etc.,


David Kennedy,

Director, Ireland-Link, Tarragona, Spain.