Booklet on sex orientation

Madam, - Does Seamus O'Callaghan (December 2nd) have his head in the sand?

Madam, - Does Seamus O'Callaghan (December 2nd) have his head in the sand?

At the age of 12, and that was 50 years ago, the term "homosexual" had not yet entered my vocabulary; they were halcyon days. However, I was keenly aware that, unlike other boys, I would not get married. In fact I wrote a school essay on the subject which was accepted without comment by the teachers and I suffered no victimisation from my peers. Fortunately, issues of equality and sensible moral values were embedded in the ethos of that school.

Nonetheless, I felt quite alone and a book on sex orientation would certainly have helped me at that stage. I congratulate the Equality Authority. - Yours, etc.,

Villiers Road,
Dublin 6.