Madam, - I am writing in support of Pat O'Connell (February 7th) who suggests, now that Croke Park has been redeveloped, "that more investment was put in to lesser-played sports around the country".
I believe that taxpayers' money, plus Lotto funds, should be put into community sports and pursuits that encourage people to participate and integrate. This should not only be for children but for all age groups. People have become more isolated and disconnected from the community and the increase in obesity levels should make this decision a priority.
I do not agree with taxpayers' money being given to either the greyhound or equine industries, which are very capable of financing themselves.
Finally, I believe that the distribution of Lottery money should not be decided on by a Minister, as much of it inevitably ends up in his or her constituency. This should be allocated by an independent body.
- Yours, etc,
KATHY HECLAN, Brooklawn Avenue, Blackrock, Co Dublin.