Border poll – time to prepare

Sir, – I think it is excellent news from Boris Johnson about there not being a Border poll for a “very, very long time”.

Having seen the fiasco that has come out of Brexit not being properly analysed beforehand, the “very, very long time” now available to us should be used by our Government and Opposition parties to lay out how they would envisage a united Ireland working, well before any Border poll taking place that “very, very long time” in the future. Let the Irish political parties, especially Sinn Féin, present their views on how reunification would work to the Irish population.

We don’t need the unionists to participate; it is unlikely they would want to take part in any discussion on a united Ireland. Of course, if they wished to take part, that would be excellent.

It is very important that a very well-planned reunification process is in place and ready to go before any Border poll takes place.


Having seen Brexit unfold, voting for a united Ireland without knowing what that means and how it would work in practical terms would be madness. – Yours, etc,



Co Carlow.