Sir, - As an elected member of Laois County Council representing the area of Rathdowney, I am writing to you in relation to the article that appeared in your magazine of January 5th headed: "If you build they will come".

I agree with the view of the majority of my local constituents that the article, written by Rosita Boland, was insulting and demeaning of Rathdowney and its people.

She visited two shopkeepers, Mrs Campion and Mary Farrell, both in their 80s, who have served our town well for decades (both sell The Irish Times) and tried to make fun of them, but failed to mention the superstores. She gratuitously insulted Fortunes because they dressed their window in support of a Laois Hospice fundraiser that has raised £3,750. Why ask the questions if they get in the way of the story?


Mention of an investment in Brand Central of £420 million makes much better reading than the real figure of £42 million.

Perhaps she had an "0" problem also when she tried to use her mobile phone, as we have excellent coverage in Rathdowney. Checking the facts with Eircom or Digiphone would be hard work!

She observed and interpreted part of the history of Rathdowney rather than speaking to one of our many local historians, because we do have a wonderful local history and are proud of it. No mention of all the local industry? With three local taxi firms and almost every household having upwards of two cars there is understandably little demand for the public transport that Ms Boland so craves. She makes three phone calls about a possible purchase in Rathdowney and then buys a pot of home-made jam. The local question is: "Is this lady for real?"

I could go on about the article but will briefly put the real story of Rathdowney and Brand Central.

Four years ago I met this company who told me they were going to turn a local warehouse into a "Designer Outlet Centre". They were given unstinting support by myself and the people of Rathdowney throughout the planning process, and were made fully welcome in our town.

Why? Because they would provide a large number of jobs, bring business to the town, bring Rathdowney to a larger audience and make us the centre of Ireland. It also helps to achieve our main objective, to keep our local talented young people here in Rathdowney and maintain and build our local community.

You will no doubt be aware that such schemes were objected to in a number of areas around Ireland, including Goffs near Naas. This was exactly what Rathdowney needed to differentiate if from so many similar towns around Ireland. Property prices are up, there is new confidence in the town and a sense of pride every time we hear Rathdowney on TV and see it on billboards around the country.

From my visits to the US, where there are many such outlets, one development that has always followed is the arrival of other retailers in the locality to take advantage of "the crowds". The local traders benefit enormously over time, hopefully better than the pot of jam, but we cater for and welcome all comers. Watch out for Co Laois with our new motorways and initiatives such as Brand Central.

I would kindly request that you publish this letter as it allows us to somewhat correct the biased Dublin view of Rathdowney which is unbecoming of The Irish Times, given that we are similar to so many other Irish towns that are good custom for your normally accurate newspaper. - Yours, etc.,

KIERAN PHELAN, Raheen Upper, Donaghmore, Portlaoise, Co Laois.

Rosita Boland writes: It was never my intention to ridicule Rathdowney or its people, nor did I do so. Everything in my article was factually correct, apart from the cost of Brand Central, and I reported on the town as I found it.