Breakthrough in the North

Sir, - There can be little doubt that the present proposal to reactivate political institutions in Northern Ireland will succeed…

Sir, - There can be little doubt that the present proposal to reactivate political institutions in Northern Ireland will succeed. It is a necessary part of one of Mr Blair's main aims - the return of Peter Mandelson to mainstream British politics. The original game-plan was that Mandelson would jet into Northern Ireland, set up an executive and without delay return to London smelling of roses. However, he got the scenario seriously wrong and remains with his mistake still round his neck and both feet firmly in the mire.

What to do? SuperBlair to the rescue: the executive will be forced in and Mandelson can resume his interrupted packing. Any bets on Frank Dobson's next posting? - Yours, etc.,

Charles Clarke, Markethill, Co Armagh.