Brendan Howlin’s Brexit advice to British Labour Party

Sir, – I was taken aback when I read of Brendan Howlin's speech to the British Labour Party conference. He apparently said that "the British people cannot yet understand the consequences of what they have done". He then called for a second referendum on Brexit ("Howlin calls for second British referendum at UK Labour conference", September 27th).

If a British politician came to Ireland and told us that we didn’t know what we were doing on the Eighth Amendment, and called for a referendum rerun if he didn’t like the result of a first referendum, there would be howls of protest about imperialism, arrogance and foreign interference. Irish people would understandably tell him to mind his own business.

It says something about the low morale of the British Labour Party today that it accepted Mr Howlin’s interference without a whimper. – Yours, etc,




Co Meath.