Brexit and Britain

Sir, – Simon O'Neill (Letters, September 13th) gives us a lengthy criticism of people such as Prof Richard Dawkins, "who are causing untold societal damage by attempting to overturn the largest democratic exercise ever held in their country", the UK referendum decision on Brexit.

I lived in the UK for over 20 years and they never held a referendum during that time. Westminster knew better than the average UK voter, who would not be as “well informed” as in other countries.

I also happened to be in the UK just before the above mentioned referendum and I could see that the people were not as well informed about the subject as we would be in Ireland, so I was not unduly surprised at the result.

Also, of course, in Ireland if the result went “the wrong way”, as this one obviously did, our leaders would hold another referendum.


I was, quite frankly, surprised at the British joining the EU, a “club” largely dominated by Germany, a state they had fought in two World Wars in living memory.

But join it they did, and I feel they were making a good job of their membership. To say the least, it made another European war very unlikely, which in itself is a good thing.

So I sincerely hope that at least there will be a good withdrawal agreement.

But of course, whether we like it or not, our currently somewhat invisible “border” will become the frontier between the EU and a non-EU state, with all the problems that will involve. – Yours, etc,




Co Dublin.