Brexit – consequences for Ireland

Sir, – If the United Kingdom leaves the European Union, one of the principal reasons behind the decision will be immigration. Once outside the EU, the UK would inevitably impose immigration controls on EU citizens. Ireland would be unable to impose similar controls, as it would remain bound by EU rules on free movement of people. As a result, Ireland, through the common travel area, would soon become a backdoor for EU nationals wishing to enter the UK. A door which the UK would not be long in closing. – Yours, etc,


Dublin 7.

Sir, – French and English are the two working languages of the EU. Should Britain leave, Ireland would remain the only English speaking country in the EU. The use of English, mainly in the technical groups, would probably continue for some time, until eventually it would be overtaken by German. In the meantime, our young people working in the EU would have a great advantage. – Yours, etc,



Navan, Co Meath.