Brighter road users

Sir, – I agree with Donal Hunt about the dangers caused by cars with only one light working (February 17th). My car has the technology to beep and flash lights at me to indicate low petrol, a door not shut properly and even a sensor in the passenger seat suggesting my handbag placed there should wear a seatbelt. It does not, unfortunately, beep to let me know when a bulb has blown. – Yours, etc,



Sir, – Kevin McPartlan (February 13th) is absolutely right – strobing lights are not only annoying, but also downright dangerous. As a driver and cyclist who suffers from migraine, this truth has been borne out by my personal experience. Just a few seconds of a flashing or strobing light can start a migraine that lasts days. It can cause a person with epilepsy to have a fit.


Bicycle lights come with several settings. To improve safety for all road users, cyclists should kindly choose the steady setting, rather than the flashing or strobing ones. – Yours, etc,


Dublin 16.

Sir, – In keeping with the recent redesign of some of your columns, shouldn’t the repeated complaints about two-wheeled road users be confined to a recycling lane? – Yours, etc,


Letterkenny, Co Donegal.