Bringing home the bacon

Sir, – One of the great tastes of our country is succulent, moist ham, thickly sliced from the piece and served either hot or cold. I had been in the habit of purchasing a solid piece of ham from my local supermarket, about a quarter of a full ham. This could cost around €15, but would last me for many days of delicious sandwiches or salads. And since I am now cocooning, this would give me, in my fridge, a lasting and convenient source of meals and snacks. But with the closure of deli departments in my local supermarkets, this option was no longer available. I was distraught. Such was my desperation that last Friday I phoned the headquarters of Bradys Ham to ask if there might be a stockist of solid-piece hams somewhere in my vicinity. Imagine my surprise that evening to get a text from the managing director of Bradys, John O’Brien, to say that he would personally deliver a half-ham to my home the next day! He was as good as his word.

Thank you, Bradys, for service above and beyond the call of duty! – Yours, etc,


Dún Laoghaire,


Co Dublin.